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Distribution center / warehousing

The CNESST (Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail) in Quebec, Canada, regulates several aspects of occupational health and safety. Controlling the number of air changes per hour in warehouses is one such aspect, and is regulated for several reasons:

  1. Worker health: An adequate number of air changes per hour helps maintain indoor air quality in line with health and safety standards. This is crucial for workers’ health, as poor air quality can lead to respiratory problems, allergies and other health problems.
  2. Preventing chemical hazards: Some warehouses store chemicals that can emit potentially dangerous gases or vapors. An effective ventilation system removes these harmful substances from the air, reducing the risk of worker exposure to hazardous chemicals.
  3. Thermal comfort: Ventilation also contributes to temperature control inside warehouses. Maintaining comfortable working conditions in terms of temperature contributes to employees’ well-being, and can also affect their productivity.
  4. Preventing combustion-related accidents: Some warehouses store flammable materials. Adequate ventilation is essential to prevent the build-up of combustible gases, reducing the risk of fire and explosion.
  5. Regulatory compliance: The CNESST issues standards and regulations to ensure worker safety. Compliance with these standards is mandatory for employers, and regulating the number of air changes per hour is part of these standards aimed at ensuring a safe working environment.

In short, CNESST regulation of the number of air changes per hour in warehouses aims to ensure the safety and well-being of workers by controlling air quality, preventing exposure to harmful substances, and minimizing occupational health and safety risks.


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